UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

February 2, 2006

Power Supplies

Filed under: Ideas — SpaceDog @ 12:38 pm

Reading (yet) another comment about the XBox 360 power supply it occurs to me that I now have a number of things that rely on a lower voltage that the mains supply.

Instead of having several bulky transformers, one per device, there should be some way of having a single transformer per room that supplies all the low voltage devices.

In a perfect world you could have a new type of wall socket that supplies 12v so that the transformer can be wired into the mains in a cupboard somewhere, hell, feed the heat into your central heating system.

I suspect there’s issues with running 12v over long distances, but I only dimly remember high school physics so I’m not sure. In any case there’s bound to be a neater way than having a pile of black boxes taking up space and generating unused heat.

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